Projet de coopération Oakland/Saint-Denis
November 12, 2020
La Villa San Francisco et Légendes Urbaines sont fiers d’annoncer la sortie de la publication Traduire les Villes et les Cultures. Cette production bilingue et collective de 72 pages fait suite au documentaire Empowering Culture in Our Cities, produit par California Humanities et réalisé par Camille Servan-Schreiber....
Créative Lab North America devoile ses 13 lauréats
November 4, 2020
L’évènement se déroulera pour la première fois en virtuel du 4 au 20 Novembre 2020...
Oakland/Saint-Denis Cooperation Project
October 13, 2020
Villa San Francisco and Légendes Urbaines are proud to announce the release of Translating Cities and Cultures....
Announcing Winners of 2020 Prix Albertine Jeunesse
June 25, 2020
The selected titles provide summer reading fodder for children and parents seeking educational entertainment during the restricted COVID-19 reopening period across the U.S....
A Mutual Aid Tool Kit Helping Communities During the Pandemic
May 27, 2020
As part of Oui Design and in collaboration with WantedDesign, the French-American Online Design Schools Workshop brought together 34 international students from 11 American and French schools to respond to the pandemic crisis and find creative solutions to offset the financial, health, mobility and community impacts of COVID-19....
Films on the Green Will Return in 2021
May 12, 2020
French film festival in NYC parks cancels 2020 season but will recommend films to watch at home and anticipates a strong return in 2021....
Artist and Author Hervé Tullet presents Art in my Window
April 25, 2020
In collaboration with La Petite Ecole NYC and Bayam, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy will host a free art workshop on the Cultural Services’ Facebook Page on Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. EST for families and art lovers seeking meaningful entertainment during the COVID-19 confinement period....
French Immersion dévoile ses lauréats
March 14, 2020
Cette année, pour répondre aux défis posés par la COVID-19, le fonds a attribué deux nouvelles bourses pour soutenir la promotion en ligne des expériences immersives françaises aux États-Unis....
French Immersion Program unveils its Laureates
March 14, 2020
This year, to accommodate challenges presented by COVID-19, the fund offered two new grants to support online promotion of French digital experiences in the United States....
A Night of Philosophy and Ideas to Take Place in 7 Cities
January 7, 2020
Produced in Connection with the Institut français’ Global La Nuit des idées 2020 U.S. Events (January 25 – February 2) Include Norfolk, VA; Miami, FL; Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA; Boston, MA; and San Francisco, CA; and Culminate in an Overnight Takeover of Brooklyn Public Library, Where Esther Duflo Delivers a Keynote Address...
Call for Applications for Community College in France Program Now Open
February 4, 2020
Announcing the 4th annual call for applications for the Community College in France (CCF) Summer Bootcamp and 4-year Degree-granting programs....